Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Scientific Proof for a "Mamaholic"

I saw this article today and it explains a little about why I am a 'mamaholic'.

click here

The article says that when a mother sees her baby smile, reward centers in the mother's brain light up similar to that observed in experiments on drug addiction.

Being a first time Mom, I questioned myself a lot. I worried about nursing, sleeping, tummy time, weight gain, and all the normal baby development things. The first few months of motherhood brings a lot of trial and error experimentation, on-the-job training and a steep learning curve. Maybe this 'high' we mothers get is because you finally get some feedback and you feel like somewhere a long the way you did something right.

I am definitely not a scientist and I have never done drugs, but when I see a big, goofy grin on Clara, I cannot help but feel good and I can relate to what the article talks about. Bad day, good day, stressed out or relaxed, I love seeing my little girl happy.

Here are some of my favorites from the past few months...whether you are a mother or not, how could these not make you feel good?