Sunday, July 20, 2008

About 6 pm, Clara starts to get restless, a little whiny, and wonders "What's for dinner mama?".
Lucky for her...some friends of ours from church have a garden, and Tom and I were happy when they had some extra veggies to share today. These are some of the biggest squash and zuccini I have ever seen!

I made a very yummy pasta and veggie dinner using the zuccini, roasted red peppers, onions and a little parmesan cheese. It was delicious!

What is Clara up to lately, you ask?
A little baby breakdancing.

Just kidding :) Actually, she has been re-purposing some of her toys...her car seat is now a jungle gym.

Her pool floaty is a throne from which she points and grunts for me to get her favorite balls. She climbed all over this thing all day yesterday, trying to stick her little feet through the bottom of the netting. Difficult to accomplish when the float is on the floor (Please don't tell Clara, it kept her occupied and happy for a loooonnnggg time)

I'm not sure why she isn't wearing much in these pictures. I do dress her occasionally.