Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's about time!

Well, it took a year, but we are no longer swaddling Clara for naps and bedtime. Can you believe we were still doing this up to a couple weeks ago? From birth until Clara was 4 or 5 months old, we did a full swaddle. Once Clara became a master escape artist and we could no longer keep her wrapped up, we then wrapped her torso and legs up, but kept her arms out. Swaddling seemed to relax Clara for her bedtime nursing session and she seemed to sleep more soundly when she was wrapped up.

Also, Clara has recently started sleeping through the night!! I am so thrilled with this development. I was still getting up with her once or twice a night to feed her. Clara would also wake up a few times a night, cry for a minute and go back to sleep on her own. This could be stressful for me because I was always wondering a) when was she going to wake up b)would she go back to sleep on her own or need my help c)if she does wake up, should I feed her or just love on her for a minute and then lay her back down. Then I would pray she wouldn't cry when I laid her back down. It finally came to a point where I didn't think Clara really needed to eat - she would barely nurse in the morning after eating at night and she was also getting a lot of calories from all the solid foods. Anyways, about a month ago I decided I wasn't going to feed Clara in the middle of the night. When she woke up, I would go to her and hold her and then lay her back down. She wasn't too happy about it for a couple nights, but then she just stopped her night wakings! I love, love, love having her sleep through the night! I feel so much more rested and Clara seems to sleep more soundly.