Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Movie Monday...uhh...oops Movie Tuesday

It's only week two on my movie Monday theme and I already am behind. Ugh!

I wanted to get a video of Clara at her baby music class yesterday. Unfortunately, I was too busy returning the bongo drums, egg shakers, and rhythm sticks to their rightful owner. Clara seems to like everyone else's stuff better than hers. She also enjoys climbing all over the infant car seats instead of clapping and dancing to the music.

But, what do I really expect? She is one year old and has no concept of things belonging to her or not. The discussion on sharing didn't really go over so well. I did however, get a pretty cute blank stare.

So, instead of music class, I thought I would share an oldie, but goodie. Clara had just turned 9 months old and was already a little jokester. We like to call this one 'Peas, Please' Enjoy :)