Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 4 - Drive South on Pacific Coast Highway

Well, we were not as lucky with Clara's sleeping between day 3 and day 4. She woke up a couple times, but we think it was because she was freezing! It was so cold overnight, much more so than in the mountains, and the fuzzy-wuzzy outfit just didn't cut it. Once we put Clara in bed between us, she slept like a champ. It was fun cuddling up with her for a few hours.

We packed up our tent and everything else and headed south again. Our goal was to make it about 180 miles south to Crescent City, California. We didn't need to rush through the drive, so we made several stops along the way.

Stop 1: Breakfast at McDonalds. We found out Clara is ready for the indoor play equipment. She had fun crawling through plastic tunnels while Tom and I drank our coffee.

Stop 2: Umpqua River lighthouse. This was the first lighthouse built on the Oregon coast back in 1857. We got out, looked around the area and took some pictures.

Stop 3: Cape Blanco lighthouse. This was one of our favorite sites of the whole trip. We loved the setting - 245 feet above the ocean. Since it was on a cape, you could see the ocean on 3 sides. We took the tour and went to the top. The view was amazing and the actual 'light' was really cool too. A series of lenses magnifies the lightbulb and it can be seen 26 miles into the ocean. I think they said it could be seen from further distance, but the curvature of the earth prevents the light from traveling any further.

Stop 4: Lunch at a total dive, Griffs, but the best seafood I've ever had. We found this tiny restaurant tucked back in a fishing dock with big seafood catching vessels parked outside. My scallops and Tom's oysters were just caught earlier in the same day.

Stop 5: Play time at the beach. Clara + sand + crashing waves = tired, happy, dirty baby

Stop 6: Cresent City, Ca Walmart. We picked up some supplies to cook out hot dogs at our campsite

Stop 7: Crescent City KOA. Finally! Total drive time was around 9 hours. We make it to the cabin which is nicely tucked back in the forest with some very large redwoods nearby. It was so quiet - birds and bugs don't hang out here much. The trees block most of the light. The cabin was clean and had electricity. As an added bonus, we are the only ones around.