Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Warm Day, Finally!

We had a nice warm day here...Spring is definitely here. Clara and I spent a lot of time outside playing in the driveway and the backyard. We also took a few walks around the neighborhood. Clara was one worn out little girl tonight!

Clara and I played with her 'chalks' (that's what she calls them) all over the driveway.

While we were sitting on the driveway, Clara points to this tiny piece of pink plastic and says 'Bubbles!'. Wow - so over a month or so ago I ran over her plastic bubble set while backing out of the driveway. Later that day, we cleaned up the shattered plastic and that was pretty much the end of story on the bubbles. I guess it made a bigger impression on her than I realized.

The tulips are blooming, just in time for us to list our house with a realtor and get lots of interested buyers over her ;)

Clara was in rare form tonight. I don't know if she was extra worn out from all the walks and fresh air today or just needed some people daddy/daughter time, but Clara was Daddy's little girl this evening! She curled up with Tom on the couch and just laid next to him while they chatted and listened to the helicopter overhead. They were on the couch for over 15 minutes, just enjoying each other's company. Clara does not sit still for 2 minutes, let alone 15...and as for laying down...that's just unheard of. I even managed to sneak past them and grab the camera to capture these pictures.

Clara's day ended with a bath, much needed after all the chalk and dirt of the day. She loves these Crayola tablets that change the water color...they come in red, blue, and yellow and you can mix the tablets to get green, purple, orange, green, etc. Clara gets to pick the color for her bath and tonight was green. She loves her baths!