Thursday, April 2, 2009

Moustache March

One of the residents Tom works with started "Moustache March" last year and they had it again this year. This is where all the men throw away their razors for the month of March and grow out all the facial hair they can. Then on the last day of the month, they shave their beards into the weirdest looking moustaches possible and hope to be voted on for a prize. It costs $$ for people to vote and all the money goes to the Children's Hospital of Illinois. If it wasn't for such a good cause, I would really dislike moustache march.
Here is my handsome of ;)

Here is the 'before' shot.

Here is the 'after' shot...yes, he died it black.

The other doctor in this picture tried to bleach his blond, but no amount of dye would turn it any lighter. Tom and the PICU doctor thought they would pose as the Ying and Yang of Moustache March or something like that.