A blog written by a mom who can't get enough of her babies.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Catch up!
It's been a while...I know!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update my blog. I have been more motivated lately to scrapbook - most of Clara's naptime and after she goes to bed is devoted to documenting the past two years. I still have a lot more to do but I'm getting there.
Anyways, here are some recent pictures of Clara and the rest of the family. We have been busy - over Labor Day weekend we had two sets of friends from Peoria come visit us. It was so much fun to see them and hang out together. Derek and Mary came first. Derek really likes to fish so we took them to Arkansas to visit the White River and to hopefully catch some trout. Tom rented a guide for the two of them and the trip was a success! Mary, Clara and I visited them on the river and I got some cute pictures. Doesn't Clara look like such a big girl here?
Check out this spider web. Cool, isn't it?
When it was time to go home, Chelsea jumped in the car first. She found a comfortable spot in Clara's car seat. Such a good dog!! Clara has some funky hair. There is a section in the back that has a different texture and after a night of sleeping on it, it really goes haywire. You can mold it into any style or shape. There is no hairspray or gel involved...her hair just does this naturally! Our other friends, Jill and Jason, along with their two girls, Kami and Katlyn, came too. Jill took most of the pictures during their stay so hopefully I will get a copy of those soon and be able to share them with everyone.
Here's a cute video from a couple weeks ago. Clara is really into learning her ABCs right now. She's really good with uppercase letters and is learning the lowercase ones now. The alphabet song is one of her favorites. Here you go:
Newsflash!! Less than FIVE weeks till our next baby makes his or her arrival. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. Everything has gone very smoothly and been pretty easy on me. We have been able to hold out and still not find out the sex. Here is the latest ultrasound. You are seeing the left side of the baby's face along with a hand and the chest. In the top picture, the baby's mouth is open. During the ultrasound, the baby was opening and closing it's mouth and sticking it's toungue out. It was pretty cute. I am getting really excited about meeting this little baby and at the same time trying to enjoy these last few weeks of good sleep and one on one time with Clara.