Monday, January 26, 2009


I have recently come across some realizations concerning Clara. She is now 19 months old, talkative, needy one moment and Miss Independent the next. She is doing great when I leave her in the church nursery and at the gym daycare - no tears, just a hug and she's off playing.

Clara is a great eater and sleeper. This isn't something I take for granted. I thank God every morning when I wake up and realize Clara has slept through the night again and that I feel rested and coherant after a good night's sleep myself. For some reason I haven't kicked the coffee habit, even though Clara has dropped the night wakings. I probably need to work on that.

I realized I have an obsession with the little girl clothes at Gymboree and their coordinating shoes and hair bows...and tights. I have way more fun dressing Clara up than she does wearing the clothes.

I realized I can put Clara's hair in pig tails and that the top knot is no longer the only style her thin, wispy hair can support.

And today, I realized my baby is not such a baby anymore. She seemed more mature today, bigger physically and older emotionally. Her little face and body is losing the baby look and taking on the shape of a little girl. I am having a lot of fun with Clara at this age, but I already miss the baby in her.