Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This is it - my new blog!

Hi Friends and Family,
Thanks for coming to see my new blog! I am really excited to start sharing daily stories and thoughts about what is going on at our house. I chose the name "Mamaholic" because I love being a Mom so much and can't get enough of my beautiful little girl! She continually amazes me with her smiles and giggles and the way she learns new things so quickly. There are so many things I love about being a mom. Seeing my baby develop and change practically daily, hearing new sounds and words, watching her be able to sit up, then crawl, and now being close to walking. I love how excited she gets when her Dada comes home after work and the special bond they already share. They have a cute routine where they call each others names out back and forth (kind of like the game Marco-Polo except Clara says 'Da da!' and Tom responds 'Cla-ra!'. This can go on 5-10 times.) I love the way Clara gives hugs and kisses to me and Tom and the big toothy smile she gets when she loves on our cocker spaniel or her favorite doll. I love when we are at a store and Clara brings a smile to the face of an elderly person, and it's even better when they say she has 'made their day'. I could go on and on! Of course, being a mom has its fair share of sleepless nights, dirty diapers, weight gain and other body changing issues. It's all worth it. Everything. I wouldn't change being a mom for anything and feel so blessed to have this life.