Saturday, January 30, 2010

Potty Training and the Dentist

We have been in potty training mode over here the past week or so. Clara really started to 'get it' and is making huge strides to lose the diapers, once and for all!!

Clara also had her first dentist appointment and she did great! She had an x-ray, her teeth cleaned and flossed and also had a floride treatment. Something that works well for us is to 'practice' or rehearse what will happen during a new situation. Tom or I started playing dentist and have Clara lay on the couch. We ask her name and how old she is, who the little baby is next to her (William), etc. Then we would pretend to clean her teeth and use the sucking device. Pretty soon, the roles would reverse and Clara would play the dentist and clean our teeth. She really loves this AND it prepares her well for the actual event and makes the whole thing a lot less scary. When the real deal actually happens, it's almost old hat to her. The hygenist commented she was one of the best 2 year olds she had seen! Unfortunately, I didn't even think of documenting this with pictures so hopefully I'll remember in 6 months at her next checkup.

William is about to roll over...he has not fully done it yet, but he is so close! He is now over 3 months old and just a sweet, sweet boy. He smiles easily and is ticklish under his arms and chin. It is just so darn stinkin' cute to hear him laugh.

Here are some of the latest pictures of the two and one of sweet Chelsea.