Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Houston & New Orleans Update

Here's some pictures from my visit to Houston and New Orleans. We are having a really good time!

We went to the Houston Zoo. The weather was perfect - comfortable temp and very low humidity. Very UN-Houston like! Thanks Auntie Ann for the matching outfits! Didn't the kids look so cute?

Today we went to the Houston Children's Museum. The big highlights were the face painting and the shaving cream wall. Jake especially liked sitting in the cars and pretending to drive.

Here's some of Tom and I in New Orleans. It was pretty hard to leave Clara at first, but I had a really nice time away from her after a while. Phone calls every few hours to keep me updated on her activities helped a lot too :) We walked around a lot in the French Quarter and ate fabulous meals around the clock.

Here are some pictures from Sunday. We had all of my siblings, their kids, and my parents together. This virtually NEVER happens so it was fun to hang out together. Here are some pictures from our trip to the neighborhood pool.